The Incomplete Guide to the Wildlife of Saint Martin is currently being translated for the publication of a French-language edition. This book features hundreds of animal species found on the island, illustrated with over 500 photos. The English-language edition has been widely praised and we are excited to offer this beautiful book in French.

We are currently seeking partners and sponsors to help make this project a reality. To request a copy of our sponsorship proposal, please contact us.

Please feel free to download a full copy of the English-language edition for free, or a sample of the current draft of the French-language edition.

Partners: Guide incomplet a la faune sauvage de Saint-Martin
We are grateful to have the support of the following partners for the translation and publication of this book.

Nature Foundation SXM
Nature Foundation SXM
Birds Caribbean
Birds Caribbean
Lobos Marinos
Lobos Marinos
Be the Change SXM
Be the Change SXM
The Conservation Agency
The Conservation Agency
Le Festival du Vent
Le Festival du Vent
For the LOVE of Grand Case
For the LOVE of Grand Case