The theme this year for our Migratory Bird Festival—and hundreds of other International Migratory Bird Day events from Canada to Argentina—is Restore Habitat, Restore Birds. For us, that means Club Gaïac will be back, and we will be doing education about this amazing tree and giving away as many seedlings as we can.
Do you know what you need to make seedlings? Seeds! Right now happens to be a great time to gather them. Many trees are dropping their seeds and the ground beneath them is covered in dry fruit and seeds. For trees that are growing over concrete or other flat surfaces, you can actually use a broom and dustpan to sweep up the fruit and seeds and then sort them later. In some cases it only takes about five minutes to gather a thousand seeds, and sorting them at a table is a lot easier on your back than picking up seeds one-by-one off the ground.
Be sure to put the Migratory Bird Festival on your calendar: Saturday, October 17th, 9am-1pm at University of St. Martin. You can also join the event on Facebook and use the “Invite” button to invite your friends.