On the island of St. Martin, our team of volunteers is hard at work. We’d love your help!
Let’s work together for a future where heritage is preserved and shared, where elders have a way to pass on their knowledge, and kids know their island, love their nature, and are proud of their culture.
Over the last few years, we’ve expanded our free museum, Amuseum Naturalis at The Old House. We’ve also grown our book program, with the goal of giving least one book about St. Martin to every single kid on the island, every school year. We’ve now published 45 books about the island for all ages, and distributed over 40,000 books to local students, teachers, and families. This school year, we hope to give a book to every student on both sides of the island. Help us make it happen!
Your donation helps us put local knowledge into world-class educational materials that can reach everyone. It helps us document and share local nature, heritage and culture. It helps us survey local biodiversity, and record oral history interviews. It helps us collaborate with St. Martin authors, artists, and people of all ages to create more amazing books and exhibits. It helps share our free museum with school groups and the public. And it helps us distribute tens of thousands of books to students every year.
We’ve reached some incredible milestones. Help us continue to build this powerful positive impact on this entire generation, and the ones to come!
Donate: https://wp.me/P6qQA3-31z
Join the association: https://wp.me/P6qQA3-Ao
Download books: https://wp.me/P6qQA3-1kR
Send us a message: [email protected]
Or come by and see us at Amuseum Naturalis (https://amuseumnaturalis.com/)!
The future is waiting. Let’s make it a great one, together!
Jenn, Mark & Christian
Les Fruits de Mer