Naked boy hill, (Guana bay) that name alone should make you want to climb it. Views stretch from St Barths, to most beaches up to Anguilla, the Philipsburg harbor and St Peters hills. So Cool.
Guana Bay while crazy waves crushing in, our son decides to play soccer in it. It is a wonderful site with the regatta going on in the background, but any child, at any time, at any beach shows you the pure joy. Let them keep that and all the children to come!
Guana bay, Geneve Bay, the waves and the rock pools there always fascinate us, our children and any other we take down there. So much to see, learn and enjoy on such a small little bay.
The beautiful, clear waters of Guana Bay (before the Sargasso seaweed came in) are inviting to swimmers, but deceptively dangerous. I was awestruck the first time I reached the top of Guana Bay Road and saw the view of the Atlantic Ocean. This is a bit lower down.
This photo represents the many colors we get to enjoy thru out the year during sunsets. This is the most colorful one i have encountered. Sometimes we really need to stop and pay attention.